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Atrial Fibrillation: When to Go to Hospital (US Guide)

Don’t let your Heart skip a bit !

It has only been a few days that I have started studying a bit about cardiological diseases and their treatments.What I came to know is, out of many diseases Atrial fibrillation is definitely something that you should not avoid ever!Since I have been enlightened with a little bit of information, I would love to share the details with you and guide to go to hospital – when needed!

Atrial Fibrillation or AFib or AF is ths most common type of arrhythmia. It basically means that the heart either beats too fast or too slow – in an irregular way. This happens if the heart is not able to pump blood properly from atria to the lower chambers of the heart

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) can feel scary. I know! It sounds like something complicated. Well, the more important question is ,is artrial fibrillation dangerous enough for you to go to Hospital ? 

This quick guide helps you decide when AFib needs urgent care.

A man being treated at the hospital due to artrial fibrillation
A man being treated at the hospital due to artrial fibrillation

When Atrial fibrillation Means to Go to Hospital Right Now

If you have ANY of these symptoms, then go to the hospital immediately:

  • Sudden weakness or numbness
  • Trouble speaking or seeing
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe headache
  • Fainting or feeling like you will faint

Why is AFib Serious?

AFib means your heart is beating irregularly and rapidly. This can have serious complications over time, including, such as 


AFib increases your risk of blood clots traveling to the brain. 

Heart Failure: 

Your heart may get too weak to pump blood effectively because of the blood clots.

What Happens after you go to Hospital for AFib

If you go to the hospital, expect some tests to understand what’s happening with your heart:


Records your heart’s electrical activity.


Echocardiogram gives Ultrasound image of your heart

Blood tests: 

To check for underlying causes, getting blood tests are mandatory.

Your treatment might include medications to control your heart rhythm or a procedure called cardioversion to ‘reset’ your heartbeat can also be used for the treatment.

ECG of artrial fibrillation
ECG of artrial fibrillation

Managing Artrial Fibrillation at Home

After hospital care, take these steps to manage your AFib:

Make sure to monitor your pulse regularly.Also, follow each and every direction carefully, that is given by your doctor.

Important Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional, and this isn’t medical advice. If you’re concerned about your heart health, always consult a doctor.

Let’s Keep That Heart Beating Strong!

I hope this blog has helped empower you with knowledge and by taking correct steps you can manage AFib and stay heart-healthy.


Chester County Hospital

Very Well Health

UNC Healthcare

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