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Vasuki: Mythical Serpent or Real-Life Monster?

50 -Foot Snake Discovery Shocks the World

Vasuki in Hindu Mythology

In Hindu lore, Vasuki is the mighty serpent king who adorns Lord Shiva’s neck. This legendary creature is a symbol of power and strength. But could the tales of Vasuki be inspired by a real, prehistoric behemoth?

An idol of shivalinga protectee by the Vasuki snake
An idol of shivalinga protectee by the Vasuki snake |credit : Exotic India Art |

The Incredible Discovery

Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee made a groundbreaking discovery in India – the fossilized remains of a gigantic snake! This extinct species, named V. Indicus, lived during the Middle Eocene epoch and could reach lengths of up to 50 feet – longer than a school bus!

Initially mistaken for the remains of a crocodile, the fossils were later meticulously analyzed and revealed to belong to a member of the Madtsoiidae family of ancient snakes.

Vasuki Indicus: The Real-Life Serpent King?

The sheer size of Indicus suggests a fearsome predator, likely capable of taking down large prey. This discovery not only sheds light on the incredible biodiversity of prehistoric India but also raises the intriguing possibility that the myths surrounding the serpent king might have roots in reality.

Fossils of Vasuki Indicus
Fossils of Vasuki Indicus , | image credit: The Print |


Q. How big was Vasuki Indicus?

A. This monstrous snake could reach a staggering 50 feet in length.

Q. Is Vasuki still lurking around somewhere?

A. Thankfully, it has been extinct for millions of years.

Q. Could Vasuki swallow a human whole? 

A. Given its massive size, it’s definitely a possibility, though there’s no direct evidence to support this.

The Legend Lives On

The discovery of V. Indicus is a thrilling reminder that our world is full of wonders yet to be uncovered.

It bridges the gap between myth and science, leaving us to question the possibility that other legendary creatures might have existence in the extraordinary history of our planet.

Reference : CBS News

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